Agriculture: Leading with Sustainability

Agriculture: Leading with Sustainability

Agriculture has been and will continue to be a leader in sustainability.

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Beer and Corn Syrup: Deception or Consumer Preference?

Beer and Corn Syrup: Deception or Consumer Preference?

If you can remember way way back to February 2019, the internet was abuzz over the Bud Light Super Bowl commercial criticizing Miller Light and Coors Light for using corn syrup. Since the Super Bowl, Bud Light continued to run more corn syrup ads. But were the ads deceptive or did they just cater to consumer preferences?

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Cage-Free Laws in California and Massachusetts

Cage-Free Laws in California and Massachusetts

Do you pay any attention to what voters are deciding out in California? In the past, I think a lot of people have thought what happens in California stays in California. But, as egg, veal, and swine farmers are finding out, that idea isn’t so true anymore.

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You Can't Make Everybody Happy All the Time: the Costco Chicken Story

You Can't Make Everybody Happy All the Time: the Costco Chicken Story

We’ve written before on consumer demand’s impact on agriculture. Non-GMO, organic, cage-free, sustainable, antibiotic-free, lab-grown…there is a long list of products developed to meet new consumer demand. As Costco has been finding out, not all attempts to meet consumer demands can make everybody happy all of the time.

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Consumer Demands are Changing Livestock Farms

Consumer Demands are Changing Livestock Farms

Consumers have an endless variety of options at the grocery store these days. How are consumer demands impacting livestock farms?

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Fake Meat: When "Beef" Isn't Beef

Fake Meat: When "Beef" Isn't Beef

The U.S. Cattlemen's Association recently filed a petition asking the USDA to issue a formal definition of "beef" as meat derived from cattle. This has set off a battle over labels with makers of lab-grown "clean meat" and plant-based meat substitutes. So just what is "beef"? 

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