Janzen Ag Law Statement on COVID-19

Physical Office: CLOSED. Janzen Ag Law’s physical office, located at 8425 Keystone Crossing Suite 111, Indianapolis, IN 46240 is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our physical office will remain closed until the Indiana Governor provides the all-clear to return.

Virtual Office: OPEN. We continue to serve clients remotely, working out of our home offices. One of the benefits of being a young law firm is that we have been “paperless” since opening our doors in late 2015. We are accustomed to working on laptops and cell phones, scanning documents, and working remotely. Though we may not be in the office, it is business as usual. Our office phone line (317-855-9920) forwards calls to our respective home offices. Let us know if we can help.

Indiana Courts: OPEN and CLOSED. The situation with Indiana trial and appellate courts is changing by the moment. The Indiana Supreme Court has ordered that appellate deadlines be “tolled” until April 6, 2020. This effectively moves deadlines for appellate matters during this time period. The situation with trial courts varies in each county. Assume that court deadlines remain unless your attorney advises you otherwise. More information is available here: Judiciary COVID-19 Updates.

Contracts: PERFORMANCE DEADLINES REMAIN IN PLACE. The COVID-19 pandemic and government “shelter-in-place” orders do not change any contractual deadlines between two private parties. If you have a duty to pay someone, that duty remains unless arrangements are made. Please contact us if you have specific questions.

Contact Us: These are trying times for everyone. We are all in this together. We are here to help with your legal questions, whether about COVID-19 impacts, government shut-down orders, or your “normal” day-to-day agricultural questions. Click here to Contact Us.